Friday, April 26, 2013

100% Silk 100% passion Limited Edition Spring-Summer Scarves

Hello dear friends!
I've recently launched a creative project in applied arts-
 a collection of beautiful silk scarves having the story behind my canvases

enjoy :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I found that I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way 
- things I had no words for.

Georgia O’keeffe

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Good morning sunshine! :)

If I never see you again
I will always carry you
on my fingertips
and at brain edges
and in centers
of what I am of
what remains.

 Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mesajul din sticla

Maria Dermengiu m-a invatat ca puritatea e datatoare de putere


Aprilie 2013
Unii oameni considera puritatea, candoarea si smerenia semne de slabiciune. Daca le ai sau le simti, trebuie sa le tii ascunse pentru ca altfel vei fi judecat. Aceia dintre noi care isi traiesc viata in canoanele masurilor stabilite de cei de langa noi se sinucid lent. Acestea fiind spune, observ langa mine oameni care isi exprima ceea ce simt cu gratie si vigoare, transmitand totodata putere si dorinta de a trai intens, cu pasiune. Un astfel de om este Maria Dermengiu, pictorita, mama, o femeie care intruchipeaza pentru mine feminitatea si puritatea infasurate in purpura rosie a dragostei de viata.

Am invitat-o pe Maria la emisiunea de astazi sa ne vorbeasca despre ultimele ei proiecte, participarea la targul de bijuterie contemporana Autor care are loc la Sala Dalles in Bucuresti in acest week-end, pe 20-21 aprilie, precum si lansarea noului ei proiect de arta aplicata cu esarfe.

Sunt artist vizual. Insa in primul rand Femeie. Din acest motiv am creat Marie Nouvelle Studio. Marie Nouvelle este transpunerea fireasca a personalitatii mele de artist intr-un cadru de arta aplicata. Fiecare esarfa poarta cu sine o stare. Capteaza momentul din tablou. Arta, in toate formele ei, te scoate din cotidian si te reda vietii, emotiilor. Te strange in jurul ei si-ti sopteste sa nu-ti pierzi sufletul naiv.
'Omul, cu o infinitate de posibilitati, prin arta alege sa fie el insusi o lume'. El doarme la marginea realitatii, creandu-si iarasi si iarasi propria sa viziune. Insa sentimentul este tot ceea ce conteaza si singurul care ramane. Un tablou ce-ti surade va avea intotdeauna ceva din tine. Si cat de minunat este sa reusesti sa captezi acel sentiment de fuziune cu lumea inconjuratoare astfel incat sa ajungi sa te contopesti cu florile, cu aripile desenate si cercul invartit de petale.
, scria Maria ca o invitatie la a descoperi noul ei proiect.

Intra in direct cu noi miercuri 17 aprilie la ora 14:00 si lasa-te cuprins de emotii, pasiune, candoare. Promitem sa nu dezvaluim nimanui secretul tau, daca asta iti doresti.

Daniela Fugaru Kammrath

I have learned to take pleasure in pain because it is simply a signal that a truth is stirring and I must wake up to find it. 
And usually for me waking up means letting go of a belief.

Jada Pinkett Smith

aerial by colin campbell

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dove Real Beauty Sketches

Ne-am obisnuit ca reclamele de la Dove sa fie un eye-opener si sa scoata in evidenta faptul ca frumusetea feminina nu inseamna perfectiune sau artificialitate.
Cea mai noua reclama de la Dove este un experiment social destul de emotionant, intitulat Real Beauty Sketches si care-si propune sa demonstreze ca suntem mai frumosi decat credem.
Pentru acest experiment a fost recrutat un artist care face portrete robot, iar mai multe femei au fost rugate sa-si descrie diverse trasaturi ale fetei, fara ca artistul sa le vada. Apoi, pe aceleasi foi, artistul a mai desenat o data fetele femeilor, dar, de aceasta data, descrise de alte persoane.

Monday, April 15, 2013

ethnic mix

via clutter&chaos tumblr

zsazsabellagio blog

“Of Poetry it is said to be Painting which speaks
 While Painting in turn is named a silent Poetry.”
Georg Philipp Harsdörffer 

by Kero on Flickr

Saturday, April 13, 2013

beautiful, beautiful spring morning! 
if the days continue to be like this, I guess we'll all catch wings soon :)

via tumblr

Friday, April 12, 2013

“Some love too little, some too long, 
Some sell, and others buy; 
Some do the deed with many tears, 
And some without a sigh: 
For each man kills the thing he loves, 
Yet each man does not die.”

Oscar Wilde

There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, 

so it doesn’t matter which path you take. 

The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, 

telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.

 Hindu Proverb 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lee Som by Kim Jiyang

lilac shades

Most people go through life using up half their energy 

trying to protect a dignity they never had.

Raymond ChandlerThe Long Good Bye

Because being authentic implies looking through a sharp mirror inside you and finding that what taps your emotions, your way of acting , many times, is not the role model type of person that you read in books when you were little but a normal, flawed, vulnerable person..

via scarflove tumblr

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

From the photo blog:
by Alan W George

An authentically powered person lives in love. Love is the energy of the soul. 
Love is what heals the personality. There is nothing that cannot be healed by love. 
There is nothing but love.

Gary Zukav

Monday, April 8, 2013

Strip yourself down. This is not a one-time thing. It’s going to be uncomfortable. 
You’ll move in and out of truth and peace and beauty and breakdown. 
You’ll want to run away from yourself. 
You’ll want to run toward the first thing that offers external comfort. But hold steady. 
Just like you’d want a lover to do. 
Nurture that inner fire. Stay there. 
Right there. Bring it home. 


daniel brown

La Blouse Roumaine

foto: Bogdan Diaconeasa

foto: Bogdan Diaconeasa

matisse painting

"It will take a while before the “Sleeping Beauty’ of Matisse’s canvass will wake up to enchant the world stage, once again. 
This day will come, but in the meanwhile the princess from the “Blouse Roumaine” will keep vigil that this dream may come true, like the angel enjoined by the French Master, in his war-time diary.."

Blouse Romaine: An Anthology of contemporary, modern and classical
 Female Romanian Voices and Thought by Constantin Roman

Queen Maria and their royalties wearing la blouse romaine

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