Wednesday, July 28, 2010

we grow, we change, we evolve....

  This is what happened to my life- I did everything I was supposed to do: finish high school , went to Law University and graduated from it,got all sorts of degrees....but I do not use them.
Somewhere along this road, I lost touch with myself. I felt something was missing,that kept me from feeling accomplished as a young woman. 
Of course, giving birth to two beautiful children fully fulfilled my sense of motherhood and family! After my kids grew up just a bit, I began wondering what my real nature was,and I've noticed that my true balance came from being creative in everyday life,living an "artful life".
Searching for my creative inner soul, I stumbled upon a book that changed my life and gave me wings -"Taking Flight" by Kelly Rae Roberts. She talks about herself as being a "possibilitarian".
I said to myself I should really listen to my hearts longings, and pursue my dream- to draw, paint, make art in any form I could at this point.
"Anything is possible in our lives when we stop denying ourselves the chance to see our own potential."
So, from that moment when I discovered what I truly wanted,I was set focused in doing just that- making art!
In my next posts,I'll show you my work and tell you more about my struggles to balance life as a mom and life as a beginner artist.

Who Does She Think She Is? TRAILER

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

some thoughts about life.....

Suntem convinsi ca viata noastra va fi mai buna cand........
.....vom fi casatoriti, cand se va naste primul fiu sau va naste cel de-al doilea.....
Apoi ne simtim frustrati pentru ca fiii nostri sunt prea mici pentru un lucru sau pentru altul, si ne gandim ca lucrurile vor merge mai bine cand vor creste.
Apoi ne exaspereaza cu comportamentul lor de adolescenti si suntem convinsi ca vom fi mai fericiti cand vor depasi aceasta varsta.
Credem ca o sa ne simtim mai bine cand partenerul nostru isi va rezolva problemele, cand....vom schimba masina, cand....vom face vacante minunate, cand nu vom mai fi nevoiti sa lucram.
Dar daca nu incepem o viata plina si fericita acum, cand o s-o facem? Mereu trebuie sa infruntam dificultati de toate felurile.
Asa ca merita sa acceptam aceasta realitate si sa decidem sa fim fericiti, orice s-ar intampla....
Alfred Souza spune " mult timp am avut impresia ca viata mea va incepe in curand, adevarata mea viata! dar mereu aveam greutati de infruntat, mereu ceva de rezolvat, o incurcatura care cerea timp, datorii inca nerezolvate. Dupa aceea, viata ar fi inceput."

Acest mod de a percepe lucrurile ne ajuta sa intelegem ca nu este o metoda pentru a fi fericiti, dar ca fericirea este metoda....
"in fine am inteles ca aceste obstacole sunt viata"

Deci traiti fiecare moment din viata si mai intens daca puteti, si amintiti-va ca timpul nu astapta pe nimeni.

Asa ca nu mai asteptati sa terminati scoala, sa va reintoarceti la scoala, sa slabiti 5 kg, sa aveti copii, sa-i vedeti plecand la casa lor.....
Incetati sa asteptati seara de vineri, dimineata de luni, sa aveti o casa noua. Incetati sa tot asteptati primavara, vara ,toamna sau iarna!

Fericirea si bucuriile vietii nu sunt destinatia calatoriei, sunt chiar calatoria.
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