This is what happened to my life- I did everything I was supposed to do: finish high school , went to Law University and graduated from it,got all sorts of degrees....but I do not use them.
Somewhere along this road, I lost touch with myself. I felt something was missing,that kept me from feeling accomplished as a young woman.
Of course, giving birth to two beautiful children fully fulfilled my sense of motherhood and family! After my kids grew up just a bit, I began wondering what my real nature was,and I've noticed that my true balance came from being creative in everyday life,living an "artful life".
Searching for my creative inner soul, I stumbled upon a book that changed my life and gave me wings -"Taking Flight" by Kelly Rae Roberts. She talks about herself as being a "possibilitarian".
I said to myself I should really listen to my hearts longings, and pursue my dream- to draw, paint, make art in any form I could at this point.
"Anything is possible in our lives when we stop denying ourselves the chance to see our own potential."
So, from that moment when I discovered what I truly wanted,I was set focused in doing just that- making art!
In my next posts,I'll show you my work and tell you more about my struggles to balance life as a mom and life as a beginner artist.