Saturday, December 5, 2015

We think that our souls will patch up all the holes, all the tears in our armor, but no! 
That is not what Soul is for.
Your Soul is ruthless in her love. She is not going to patch you up. 
She is going to tear you open, and pour herself, as you, into the world.
Soul is not there to give you comfort. 
She is there to deny you the comfort of cushions and lies that lull you into smallness, 
into danger.
The world will tell you that greatness is a target on your back, but it is your only safety, 
if there is such a thing in a state as transient as matter.
Your Soul came to feed the hungry faithful. 
To hold the wailing woman, and show her she is wild. She is free.
You are not here to manufacture anything but the glory of the Source that is all love.
Your Soul cares not about the latest fashion, the brand-name i-something, 
the grandeur of your foyer. She does not wear a crown of golden metal. 
She will bring you to lavender fields and invite you to crown yourself with the splendor of God, freely given, and everywhere that his not been smoothed over with concrete.
There are billions of prayers sent up into the sky, 
begging for an end to suffering. We are that end. 
You, reading this: that is the call. 
You are the one. 
And I am too, so you are not alone.
Life could be beautiful, soul-full, wild and lush, 
dripping from the sides of our mouths with pleasure. 
Everyone deserves heaven, paradise, a chance to embody the One Love that is the Divine Inheritance of every single Soul.
Don’t you know who you are? Do you not remember your galactic spirit, sun-star heart? 
Are you waiting for a new sign? Let this be it.
Your Soul wants you to know, it is time to lay down all your reasons for living 
a life too small for you. 
Your Soul accepts no excuses, for failing to sing your holy song. 
You do not need more time.
 You need more faith. 
Can you hold it long enough to be reborn?

Alison Nappi

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