Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"Scarves may often be used as a fashion accessory but some countries actually use them for a deeper meaning. Whether it has a cultural or religious implication, scarves are given more meaning than just a strip of cloth to accentuate an outfit.

If you study the evolution of scarves, you will see that scarves were used differently as they are today. In the ancient times, only a handful of people were allowed to wear them. 
More than being a fashion accessory, scarves were used as an identification of a person’s rank in the military or in society.

Regardless of the use, scarves continue to be an amazing piece of fashion that people should learn to appreciate. 
They are more than just pieces of cloth – they symbolize a piece of history that depicts a rich culture behind it – certainly more than just being functional or fashionable." 

The Stylist blog

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