Friday, January 4, 2013

Love does not walk on eggshells.

It shatters through humiliating stumbling blocks and falls.
It breaks into song sans regard for perfect pitches and tunes.
It laughs uninhibitedly and with reckless abandon – not at, but with, another.
It holds the other person’s hands not because it is cold,
but since it feels so right.
It lingers to look at sunrises and ducks and quiet lakes,
and sees depth and meaning where others may not.
Love is talking until dusk turns into darkness, and back again.
Love writes with the soul guided by the heart
and is read by the ‘one’ who finally understands.
It finds no reason to love, but love itself.
Love is not ending whatever loneliness there wasn’t,
but celebrating with another being’s journey and coming to one’s own.
Love takes nothing away from the beloved,

But is the soothing comfort of marveling at the world with two sets of eyes, 
souls and hearts that beat as one.

by Ruby Bernardo 

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