Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Painted Feelings by Venom&Clover

Thank you VENOM & CLOVER for featuring me and my artworks!


Maria Dermengiu
How does one describe an artist?
How do I even start telling you about Maria Dermengiu, a daintily, refined lady with a delicate face, framed by her ginger hair and a noble spirit that has touched both my heart and rewarded my art yearning? How do I even gather the most inspired words to describe an artist that puts her heart out on display through her paintings, for everyone to see?
Mesmerizing, insightful, magical, full of symbols and layers, Maria’s art combines shapes, shades, childhood memories, emotions and a painted language of encrypted feelings.
MD 1
Hello, Maria! Thank you so much for doing this.
1. What are you currently working on?
I’m currently exhibiting my latest works and taking some time off for the Holidays season which is just around the corner.
2. How did your career unfold up until the point where you are now?
I’ve been in a constant personal development, if I may say so.
I’ve always been the creative type, but I was impelled by my family to study and finish first a ‘down to earth’ university Law and a graduate school in European studies.
During that stage I also worked for a casting company and volunteered to work on the movie set at Media Pro Pictures for the Maria Callas movie having the honor to see one of the greatest directors in the world, Zeffirelli, at work.
I continued to draw and make little wood illustrations when time permitted it. After graduating Law, I’ve been accepted but never attained the London Art University.
I have remained here and studied at the Bucharest Art School. I’m pursuing my dream to create and make a living out of this.
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3. In the process of finding your identity as an artist, did you have your fair share of doubt and hesitation?
When I visited Tate Museum, at the library section, there was a book called “How to be an artist”- I was intrigued. You can imagine how many people need a support system and how many contradictory thoughts would cross the mind as soon as somebody decides to take an artsy path.
But I set up my goal to be just that – the day to day running of my artistic life, and allowing myself to grow. I treat my work as if it were a plant. I love every step of it.
4. Was there a particular moment/event in your life that defined the artist you are today?
No, not really. It was a slow process.
5. What do you enjoy most about your work?
It gives voice to the child inside me. What I know about making artwork is that it’s sometimes difficult, it involves the self, it’s never boring, mostly chaotic, it involves the unknown and stimulates curiosity.
6. Where do you turn for inspiration?
You can find inspiration anywhere – looking into your morning latte, looking into the streets, at people, I find inspiration in textures, feelings, moods, colors, sounds…
We have to wait for things to unfold. Never force ourselves.
7. Would you describe your work more as art or as a statement?
Everything I do is a personal art statement.
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8. Any advice/ideas on how to beat artist’s block?
When in such a state, do nothing. Stop, it just might be the right thing to do. Observe things around you and don’t think that this is a state of blockage, just time to reflect.
9. Do you subscribe to any mantras or mottoes?
I have a lot of favorite ones but I don’t have my own slogan yet, if that is what you are asking.
Not knowing everything is actually a plus, it keeps you and your work growing.
Island of the Soul
10. What is something you are looking forward to in your professional life?
I’m looking forward to whatever comes my way, I know it will be good for me. I’m going to start my own personal line of design objects and textiles imprinted with my works. But it will be a long process also. I look forward to it.
Thank you so much, Maria!
Dear friends, you can find out more about Maria’s heart-warming art here and get to know her better through her sensible writing here.
© All images used above are property of Maria Dermengiu. Please kindly do not use them without prior consent of the owner.

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