Sunday, October 14, 2012

Don’t settle because you’re afraid you won’t find something better. 

Don’t compromise because you don’t want to be alone. 

Give your perfect life, lover and job time and space to grow into our life. 

Don’t rush, don’t hurry. Take your time, be easy, have patience. 

Allow everything to come to you with your subtle guiding and intending. 

Your days of constant chasing with little reward are over. 

Everything you’ve ever wanted and more coming to you, 

you just have to let it in with love, receptivity and non-judgment. 

Letting it in is how you become it.

 Jackson Kiddard 

collage made by Maria Dermengiu
sources: 1.tumblr  2.fabric sourced from Afghanistan and modified by Kate Stein for her 2010 Afghan jaket collection
3.via dree harper pinterest

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