Monday, June 20, 2011

Women on Matasari street

This week-end I've participated in an urban festival dedicated to women in general , meant to change the reputation of this infamous area ,a place known in the past, post war as the "Red light "District- filled with easy women, pimps and drugs dealers, and to discuss the place women have in our society
It was an amazing experience, to take part into this free manifestation of everyday creativeness, where art was at the core of things  

painting in the street- free manifestation of creativity

2nd day

relaxing and enjoying, emerging in that street atmosphere...

wall art on one of the houses

milonga tango


  1. You ar soo beautiful Maria; verz nice and interesting post and photos!

    Have a nice week.

  2. esti superba! dar unde eram eu cind se imtimplau toate astea? trebuie sa ma pun la curent cu noutatile. Cred ca au fost niste zile minunate
