Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who Does She Think She Is?


New Documentary film about women balancing lives as artists and mothers. 
Directed by Pamela Tanner Boll, co-directed edited by Nancy C Kennedy

        I was so touched by this movie that I had to post it on my blog. Everything that it is said there is so true....
                     tell me what you think about it, I'd love to hear your opinions 
Here is one opinion on motherhood- 
      "Motherhood Is Art…Balancing the art of motherhood and creativity can sometimes come easy but many times it is quite a task to master. 
       With the interventions of life and motherhood, I must say that my creative spirit took a back seat for quite some time.
     So, as I grow up and as each day sets and rises, I hope to become an artist, but not just the kind of artist that creates beautiful paintings and decadent designs, but the kind of artist that also creates a masterpiece within my family.…sculpting each of my kids as you would on a potters wheel..with gentleness, creativity, and thought. We as mothers are all artists…as we bring out the art of life with each creative moment that we offer up to our families."

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