Tuesday, February 1, 2011


       I am so honored to receive this Blog Award from  ICED VO VO'S blog and I want to thank Marina for thinking of passing The Stylish Blogger Award to me.

We all know the rules:
  • Thank my bestowers
  • Link back to them
  • Share 7 things about myself
  • Forward on the award to 10 other stylish bloggers
         I'm going to write another 7 things you didn't know about me, as I have previously wrote few months ago a post on this subject, so I don't want to bore you with things you know :)

1.I lived in Australia, Sydney for 2 years when I was little (I saw Marina was born in Sydney too,so we have something in common :) 

2. I love, love patterns in design, nature, etc...

3. I'm an incurable romantic, I think it's all worth if it comes from the heart

4. I can't live without chocolate and music

5. I'm not comfortable being in the spotlights or talking in front of a public but I do like for my work to be appreciated 

6. I love reading philosophy 

7. I can't sit still for long periods of time


  1. Wow Maria ... we have a few things in common!
    I too am a chocoholic and I adore patterns in design also... plus the aussie connection.
    Thanks for the shout out and you definitely do have a stylish blog!

    Hope your London visit was fun and not too cold.
    Have a great week.

  2. Congrats you stylish beautiful person you!! #2-7 I can totally relate too :) Enjoy the day dear XX
