Friday, November 5, 2010

Transylvania, empire of the vampire

            Transylvania is one of the most beautiful parts of Romania, very popular for history and legends, medieval cities, adventure travel ad extremly beautiful surroundings, located in the center of Romania .

Transylvania: empire of the vampire | Life & Style
the Carpathian Mountains

           Not only has Transylvania proven to be Europe's great undiscovered trail riding destination, but it can also lay claim as the homeland of Bram Stoker's Count Dracula and has lent it's unique landscapes also to the acclaimed 2003 film of "Cold Mountain".  Step back in time and explore the forested hills of Northern Romania, where horses are still used to plow the fields and to pull hay carts during harvest time.  The untouched Rodna Mountains overlook the dramatic sweep that was Dracula's domain. To the south lies the Borgo Pass, now immortalized by Bram Stoker and his notorious fictional character. 
         Close by are historic Saxon towns and the famous painted monasteries of Moldovita, Humor and Voronet, which are well worth a visit before or after the ride. The surrounding forests are home to bears, wolves, lynx and deer, while the hay fields are full of bountiful wild flowers. 
       This is absolutely beautiful and timeless riding country which every horseback enthusiast should experience in their lifetime.
         Transylvania may be closely associated as the homeland of Count Dracula, but is also part of the dramatic history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and boasts well-preserved Medieval villages and excellent Romanian wines.....

Bran Castle

Bran Castle

saxon curch

daily life in the villages

Brasov city

lake Fantanele
      I wanted to write a post about my home land Transylvania because it will always remain in my heart, no matter where I'll be in the world, no matter where the road will lead me... thank you for reading about it :)


  1. I hope this area wil remain the same for ever, it's georgiously beautyfull. This area can learn us to combine nature with culture, sustainability and preservation of our planet…

  2. It's so beautiful and captivating. My list of places to visit is longer than the time and money we have available, but Transylvania is in my list for sure.

  3. What an amazing and beautiful country, thank you for sharing!!
    There are some beautiful areas in the UK, hopefully you will get to see them soon ;)

  4. What a beautiful, beautiful country. My husband has been there (before we met) I hope I get to travel there one day too.

    I am loving your beautiful blog, even though I don't get to comment every time. I love the Natasha Newton drawings.


  5. Transylvania region is very different from the southern part of Romania which includes Bucharest...You will have to pass through Bucharest to get to Transylvania,so I just wanted to give you a notice,not to be disappointed by the Capital...there is still a lot of grey, dusty streets,not so much greenery sights around, thanks to our previous communist heritage...:(
    But I know for a fact that who ever visits this country will come to know the true beauty of nature and will learn to appreciate simple life in a very different way

  6. Hi, thanks for such a nice comment on my blog. My father-in-law together with my brother-in-law have been to Romania recently and come back totally in love with the country. They are already planning a holiday trip next year too! Take care, Gosia

  7. What an incredibly beautiful place, Maria! I don't know when I might ever visit there so it is wonderful to see photos. I can see why you are very proud of it and that it will always remain with you. Thank you for your lovely comment and visiting me so I could discover your blog. Have a fantastic week. Georgianna
