Wednesday, November 24, 2010

7 things you don't know about me


Hi everyone!

I've been asked by the lovely Peggy from PauletPaula blog to write
7 things you don't know about me :

1. in two months I'll be moving permanently with my family to London.

2. I eat a lot of sweets, more than my kids! (of course I take extra care of how much sweets they eat )

beauty comma collage photography

3. I'm really afraid of birds (though I love to watch them from the distance)

4. I never smoke. In fact I've never tried a cigarette in my life.

5. Although I'm a lawyer by profession, I ditched it in favour of arts and since last year I've been painting

6. I love travelling

7. I sing all day long (even when I'm on the street, I hum )

so now it's my turn to choose 7 blogs to find out new things about their owners :). Here it is:
-Zondra Art
-Simplesmente Lila
-Divas and Dreams
-Design Traveller
-georgianna lane


  1. are moving to London!
    You know where to ask if you need help right? :)
    DO you already know where you will live in this big city? Exciting...
    ANd the smoking part...same for me!
    Happy day!

  2. Those cake pictures looking scrumscious yum!! Good luck with the move

  3. Hey, I am also afraid of birds and fish! Watch out for those pigeons in London. Nice to meet you and you will love London. axx

  4. How lovely for you to be moving to London. I hope you will love it as much as I do. I think that London is the best city in the world but I'm biased !!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and your lovely words. XXXX

  5. You are moving to London! That is one of the most inspiring cities I've ever been to!
    Thanks for the channenge :)

  6. A similar reward I have already played once but thank you very much.

    Kisses,Zondra Art

  7. thank you for your encouragement, dear friends!
    Peggy,we were thinking about moving to Richmond,but my University will be in East London,so I'm not sure yet. how is East London ? many people are used to commute but I'm not...

  8. good luck with the move, london can be a pain and absolutely wonderful at the same time :D

    east london is a bit rough but also the coolest area in town (apparently, so i have heard ;))

    richmond is looooovely

  9. great you are moving to London. I've never been there. I'm going to visit it next year. Have a wonderful time there. Just read your "about me". I like it much! Hugs from Frankfurt

  10. Nice to learn more about you! Good luck moving to London! Sounds very exciting.
    Hugs, Nina

  11. It was lovely to read more about you. I have never tried a cigarette either. I don't think many people can say that!

    I lived in London for nearly three years. I loved it! I hope you love it too. It sounds like a pretty big move. I was young and single. It would be a very big step for me now with a family:)

  12. Thank you lovely ladies,for reading this post.
    Of course it's a huge step for me moving with my whole family in another country,and I'm a bit stressed but I'm more excited! I'm used to traveling all the time and to live in different countries because of my father who is a diplomat...I loved it as a child and I bet my kids will love it too.
    Now I'm a grown up and things are undoubtedly different, back then I didn't have any worries or responsibilities. ohhh..

  13. You will love East London & commuting does get some getting used to but you will be fine. My partner has to travel to London every day as hes in the Metropolitan police, london's all a bit fast for me as Im a bit of a country girl, but I still love to visit. Good luck with it all you are very brave.

  14. Thank you Sarah for giving me your opinions! it's good to know, have a lovely day, Maria

  15. Hi Maria, Thank you so much! I will let you know when I post the challenge (gulp).

    Lucky you to move to London, my favorite city in the world. It is a big step but travel and living in another country provide a priceless education and I'm sure your children will love it. xo – g

  16. Hi Maria! I am sitting down and trying to stay connected long enough to finish my response post...finally!!! I LOVE your list, I hope I can hold a candle to it :D I too have never had even a puff of a cigarette. I love all things British, as was my maiden name. Enjoy this time before the big move. I know we'll keep in touch :) XOXO
