Wednesday, October 20, 2010

street art

          This STREET ART JUST WON ITS ANONYMOUS ARTIST the TED prize of 100,000 $

        27-year-old French street artist "JR" works mainly in slums around the world—Brazil, Cambodia, and Kenya, for example—transforming the buildings in poor neighborhoods with huge, blown-up photographs of the residents plastered to the exterior. In some cases, the pictures serve as building material—in Kenya, the vinyl photographs became new, waterproof roofs for the residents' homes.

         Besides handing the money, the TED people—who also put on a series of lectures you can catch on YouTube—ask the winners to make "one wish big enough to change the world." 

        JR hasn't had time to think of a wish yet—he's currently in Shanghai, working on a project—but told The New York Times that "it would undoubtedly involve his kind of guerrilla art." The money, too, would be put toward a more ambitious project.
A few more of JR's photos below.


  1. Molto belle queste foto, sono decisamente opere con tanta fantasia e originalità.
    ps. il tuo blog è una miniera d'arte.

  2. Molto grazie,Antonio. I hope I'll hear from you more often, wishing that my posts will keep you inspired .Maria
