Saturday, October 30, 2010

dear friends

       Dear blogger friends, I'm sorry for changing so often the layout of this blog, but I'm just not satisfied with what I've got going on here, with the design....As you know, I've started blogging for few months now, from july, and I'm still learning a lot about it!
      And because I'm not a computer savvy, if I may say so, I'm just about to go crazy! I was thinking to take up the "blogging your way" course given by Decor 8, to make an idea on how to design my own blog...
     Oh well, I guess you'll just have to bear with me until I find the most suitable layout image to match my vision of perfect blog :(
     Sorry again, hope you will not be disappointed in the end,

Love to you all, MARIA


  1. Hi Maria, I understand your frustration! Luckily for me, my partner's a software developer - 24/7 tech support in this day and age is a God-send! Although I don't use it myself, Thesis is a pretty popular DIY website design software: On their website they say you can change the design of your website without knowing any code. If you do try it out I'd be interested to hear what you think of it.

  2. Thank you so much Katherine! I will surely check this web site out. best regards!
