Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Illustrations I love- part 2

       First, I'd like to present to you an artist whose work is very complex, and full of emotions. His name is Joshua Burbank. He is a mixed media artist, a sculptor and painter. I will only show some of his works as I have many more to show you :)

          The next artist that I admire is a digital media artist called Luis Toledo.
 There's so much involved - whether spontaneously added or part of the narrative, Toledo could have you searching in the images for hours. How some of the contents relate to one another, I cannot even come close to narrating a believable story, but perhaps this is the point exactly - to blend and carve a mixture of illustrations to create a surreal wonderland of everything-ness.

what comes next are some illustrations that I find very nice and interesting, hope you enjoy them as well

joanna sierko-filipowska

james christensen

James christensen crede ca folosindu-ti imaginatia in crearea artei, ii aduci acesteia experienta din care poti avea numai lucruri utile de invatat. Din aceste motive, precum mentioneaza, creatiile sale se vor a fi descrise de imaginatie, de posibilitatile artei si de posibilitatile de a-ti cunoaste eul imaginativ.

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