Thursday, August 5, 2010

playing graphics

     This week was a very hectic week because both my kids stayed at home sick. I don't know, too much ice cream, air conditioner... Anyway, this summer I've dedicated most of my time to them so I wasn't able to be very prolific in my studio.
     I've decided that no matter how hard it will be, I'll still manage to do a little bit of both -being a "full time" mom and also an active artist.
    Months ago, when I reached my decision in taking the artsy path in life, I've made a clear commitment to my creative wishes, that no matter how hard or difficult the road will be, I'm still going to fight and keep my individuality and my own space intact. I will never have enough time, nobody's going to wait for me to finish all the stuff I've got going on at home, I'll just have to make time for me and what's important for my work.
    So....having little time at hand, I made some graphic images that reminds me of home and happy feelings.

casute,casute :))

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